My name has no importance in these impoverished and
polluted souls of Quivira. I have the gift that could purify nature. Fold the
grief of the loss into tiny squares and tuck them away for the time being.
This modest seed in my hand could grow and nurture
the soil of the burnt lands. Then, in time, children could play. Laugh the way
their elders had in their youths. Family would join once again and flourish.
This seed, though, has value. The cost is not free.
I’m not a fool. Do you agree?
All you must do is touch the tiny red dot on its skin. Can you see it? It’s right there in the center. I will do the rest. Fulfil everyone’s wishes for tranquility.
Space to play.
Perfect say, your world. That is my trade.
Touch and I will do the rest.
Photo by Nita: